Bowling Green State University - Various Projects

VCT Print Lab: The objective of this project was to create a new room within the high bay area of the Technology Building to accommodate two pieces of VCT program printing equipment that would be relocated from the Park Avenue Warehouse. Our work included determining the most appropriate place to locate the lab and enclosing approximately 1,200 SF of space, adding new lighting and power for the equipment, and HVAC design services for proper heating, cooling, and humidity control.

College of Technology Feasibility Study: As a result of relocating the VCT Print Lab into the College of Technology Space, it became apparent that the utilization of the existing 13,000 SF area within the Technology Building had evolved in an unorganized manner. Much of the layout had occurred due to the changing nature of the programs over the years. For example, a lecture space had been set up within the open bay area and suffered from improper ventilation, poor lighting, and noise intrusion from the other uses of the space.

In order to address the needs of the various programs within the College, a space utilization study was recommended by JDI. The primary goal of the study was to reorganize the large bay area and to fully utilize the classrooms available in the building. A secondary goal was to improve the appearance of the high bay lab area to present a more inviting atmosphere to visitors and potential students.

The study concluded with options for either a phased plan for renovating the building in its entirety or taking the building offline for a one-time overhaul. The study illustrated the team’s ability to develop phased estimates, work with large groups in a higher education setting, and provide graphics for marketing/fundraising.

Founders Hall/Laundry Room Renovation: The intent of this project was to provide design and construction documents for the renovation of a laundry room on the first floor of Founders Hall, a residence hall that houses 600 students. In addition to aesthetic improvements, such as new flooring and ceiling, the room was reorganized to allow for better accessibility. Electrical and HVAC components, such as dryer venting, plumbing, and circuit breakers, were reviewed and modified to meet code requirements.

The laundry room included 14 washers and eight double-stacked dryer units. The renovation estimate of the 458 SF space was $79,160, and construction occurred during the summer while students were on break.

Design improvements were made for aesthetics, mobile accessibility, and electrical and HVAC components.

Robotics Lab: JDI helped BGSU select the appropriate space to locate the new lab without compromising the existing functionality of the other programs housed within the building. The selected location was the former technologies supply store (the supply store was relocated to an existing conference room to allow for an additional storage cage area). The robotics lab included stations for 12 self-contained robotics units utilizing air, electricity, and data hubs on central columns. Included in the lab were stainless steel workstations for fine tool work, seating for lectures, and a teaching command center. The space also received cosmetic upgrades of new paint, a ceiling for a previously exposed deck, utility cabinets, and a thermally insulated overhead door.

Environmental Science Lab Renovation: In need of additional and more up-to-date space, this project involved the creation of a new laboratory teaching space for the Geology Department. Located in the Mathematical Sciences Building at BGSU, the scope of work included the renovation of a standard classroom into a teaching laboratory for approximately 24 students and staff. A prep lab and lab storage area were created in an adjacent room. In both areas, new fume hoods were added, as was lab casework for flammable storage and acid storage cabinets. New laboratory utilities, including water and lab gases, were incorporated, and an exhaust system was added to the existing HVAC system. The teaching area integrated ceiling-mounted utility access for mobile casework and expanded teaching capabilities. Updated finishes, a new ceiling system, new floor tile, and an improved lighting system completed the renovations.

Moore Musical Arts Building HVAC Upgrades: The Moore Musical Arts Center is a premier music facility. When it was time for a major renovation of its HVAC duct system, JDI, together with Industrial Power Systems (IPS), was selected as the design-build team.

The scope of work for this project included the design and replacement of the existing fiberglass duct system, which was deteriorating. Our team performed a study to determine how much of the existing system needed to be replaced and to determine if the drawings for the existing system were accurate. The study revealed the drawings were incorrect and much of the system that initially was planned for replacement merely needed a thorough cleaning.

The initial budget for the duct and architectural work was $2.6 million. The project was completed for $1.6 million and, with the savings, BGSU was able to increase the efficiencies of the rooftop duct system by providing additional installation on this exposed ductwork.

JDI and IPS completed this project in an aggressive 10-week period in order to accommodate BGSU. The work was started when the building closed for the summer and ended when academic activities commenced in early August.

Fine Arts Building Modifications: This project encompassed renovating and reconfiguring the Fine Arts College offices to allow for better interaction and servicing of student’s needs. Another aspect of the project included transforming an existing teaching space into a graphic arts studio for the students in this and related programs. Additional power and data services were added to this area.

Oaks Dining Facility – Vegetarian Line Addition and Pinkberry Relocation: As part of a reorganization of various dining facilities to improve services, the University decided to relocate Pinkberry (a frozen yogurt line), renovate the Sweet Shoppe and Outtakes venues, and add Shoots (a vegetarian line) to The Oaks. JDI investigated the feasibility of disassembling the existing Pinkberry installation and reinstalling it in its new location as well as orchestrating the other dining renovations within the larger operating dining facilities. Building information models were utilized with JDI modifying the University’s models and formatting them for construction document use. Information available from the existing model was incorporated into the development of specifications for the new work.

This project required a tight planning schedule in order to take advantage of a period of time when students were not on campus for the construction period and to get each of these revenue-producing facilities back into operation as soon as possible.


Bowling Green, Ohio




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